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Hadith Teacher

Qari Muhammad Touqeer

Hafiz Khalid, a devoted teacher of Hadith, brings a wealth of knowledge and reverence for the prophetic traditions to his students. With a meticulous and insightful approach, he imparts the nuanced understanding of Hadith literature, emphasizing authenticity and context.

Experience & Activities

Qari Muhammad Touqeer, the dedicated CEO of E-Dar ul Quran, brings a wealth of knowledge and reverence for the prophetic traditions to his students. With a meticulous and insightful approach, he imparts the nuanced understanding of Hadith literature, emphasizing authenticity and context. Touqeer’s dedication to preserving and transmitting the sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad ensures that his students grasp the ethical and legal principles embedded in these teachings. As a mentor, Qari Muhammad Touqeer not only instills scholarly rigor but also inspires a profound appreciation for the wisdom encapsulated in the Hadith. His commitment contributes significantly to the spiritual and intellectual development of those under his tutelage.